On February 17, 2022, FEMA released preliminary Flood Insurance Rate Maps (FIRMs) for portions of Douglas, Sarpy, and Cass Counties. Updated floodplain maps are essential and provide property owners, floodplain managers, realtors, insurance agents, engineers, and others a much more accurate, reliable, and available source of floodplain information. The preliminary maps are available for viewing here.
You might be asking, “What affect will updated maps have on me?” Property owners located in the new 100-year floodplain, or area that has a one percent chance of being flooded in any given year, may be required to purchase flood insurance after the new maps have gone through the public appeal period and are adopted by FEMA and the local communities. Information concerning the mandatory purchase of flood insurance can be found here.
Open houses will be held in June 2022 for people to speak with a floodplain expert regarding the map changes and flood insurance. There will also be a 90-day public review and appeal period where anyone may submit data to their community.
More information regarding the open houses, appeal period, and other flood related information will be posted to this site as it becomes available.